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St Andrew's CofE Primary School Shifnal

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'Making Memories'
Paper collage, clay and relief sculptures inspired by Louise Nevelson 

paper collage and relief sculptureClay sculpturesPaper collage and relief sculpture

Elm Class

Hello and welcome to UKS2 (Year 5 and 6).  Mrs. Thompson is the class teacher in Elm class, Mrs. Bastable is the class teacher in Yew class and Mr. Allport is the class teacher in Oak class.  We are also very lucky to have support from Miss. Shepherd and Mrs. Irvine who work with children throughout the year both supporting in class and with targeted group work.  All classes follow the same curriculum and staff work closely together.  Using each teacher's expertise, each class is also taught by each teacher every week with Mr. Allport teaching ICT, Mrs. Thompson teaching RE and Mrs. Bastable working through whole text book studies to develop reading for pleasure as a lifelong skill. 

Each class also has a half a term of specialist PE teaching from a teacher from Idsall (another Mrs. Thompson!)  This term, having already received our sessions, our PE days are Thursday (class teacher) and Friday with Mr. Jones. 

Homework is set on Fridays and consists of a spelling homework and a maths homework. For maths homework we have moved to using MyMaths and each child has their own secure login and password to access, not just their homework, but also a plethora of fun games and revision lessons available to enrich and support their mathematics work.  Occasionally, there may also be a more targeted worksheet sent home so please do check with your child on Fridays.  If there are any issues accessing MyMaths please let class teachers know.  Children also have their own Times Tables Rockstars logins and we encourage children to practise tables at least once a week as these are crucial to their success at the end of KS2. 

Spellings are tested by dictation on Fridays.  The benefit of the dictations rather than just a spelling list are great and we are checking that children can spell these key words, punctuate sentences carefully and that they understand the meaning of the spellings in context. 

Elm class are thoroughly enjoying our class reader this term which is 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson.   For further reading, children may enjoy 'Escape to the River Sea' - a recently written sequel by Emma Carroll.  

current book coversuggested book cover

Link to SATs Parents' Information Evening presentation  SATS Information for Parents