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St Andrew's CofE Primary School Shifnal

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British Values

Pupils learn about fundamental British values. They understand and respect that others may have different views and opinions to their own. Ofsted

Promoting British Values at St. Andrew’s CofE Primary School, Shifnal. 

At St. Andrew’s CofE Primary School, we are committed to serving our community and surrounding area. We value the diverse ethnic backgrounds of all pupils and families; therefore, we undertake a variety of events and lessons to celebrate these. We have found this approach to be enriching for all parties as it teaches respect for the differences in our community and the wider world.

We encourage admissions from all those entitled to education under British Law regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status.

At St. Andrew’s we actively promote key British Values in the following ways:


Democracy is a rich element within the school. Pupils have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council.  Pupil interviews are held to gather children’s perceptions of school life. The election of our school council members are based solely on pupil votes. Behaviour in class is rooted in mutual respect and embodied in systems which are shared by all pupils.

The Rule of Law:

The importance of laws or rules, whether they apply to school or the country, is consistently reinforced throughout the school day, as well as when dealing with behaviour and pupil’s individual choices. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws and rules, that they are followed in order to keep us safe. They are encouraged to develop an awareness of the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws or rules are broken. Regular visits from authorities such as: the Police and Fire Service are integral parts of our school calendar which helps to reinforce the law.

Individual Liberty: 

Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices, through of provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are given advice and have opportunities to discuss how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety, PSHE and RE lessons, running pupil-led lunch time clubs.

Mutual Respect:

As a school welcoming pupils and families from across the globe, mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Pupils learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All members of the school community treat each other with respect.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:

St. Andrew’s places a great emphasis on ensuring all pupils are part of a broad range of multicultural celebrations throughout the year.  We enhance pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society, giving everyone opportunities to experience, discuss and share their own faiths and beliefs. We place a great emphasis on the responsibility that all pupils have in our school to ensure all new comers to our school are made to feel welcome, safe and secure. 

Some of the ways in which we ensure that children understand and abide by British Values include:

Respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process

  • Provide pupils with a broad general knowledge of, and promote respect for, public institutions and services.
  • Teach pupils how they can influence decision-making through the democratic process, e.g. school council, Sports Ambassadors.
  • Include in the curriculum information on the advantages and disadvantages of democracy and how it works in Britain
  • Encourage pupils to become involved in decision-making processes and ensure they are listened to in school.
  • Organise activities linked to the work of Shifnal Town Council.
  • Help pupils to express their views.
  • Teach pupils how public services operate and how they are held to account.
  • Model how perceived injustice can be peacefully challenged.
  • Work with the School Council to help make improvements for all children.

Respect for the basis the law is made and applied in England

  • Ensure school rules and expectations are clear and fair.
  • Help pupils to distinguish right from wrong.
  • Help pupils to respect the law and the basis on which it is made.
  • Help pupils to understand that living under the rule of law protects individuals.
  • Include visits from the police in the curriculum.
  • Teach pupils aspects of both civil and criminal law and discuss how this might differ from some religious laws.
  • Develop restorative justice approaches to resolve conflicts.

Support for Equality of Opportunity for all

  • Support pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights.
  • Model freedom of speech through pupil participation, while ensuring protection of vulnerable pupils and promoting critical analysis of evidence.
  • Challenge stereotypes.
  • Implement a strong anti-bullying culture.
  • Support children’s understanding of relationships by having a strong Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE) programme. that has been discussed with parents.

Support and respect for the liberties of all within the law

  • Support pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights.
  • Model freedom of speech through pupil participation, while ensuring protection of vulnerable pupils and promoting critical analysis of evidence.
  • Challenge stereotypes.
  • Implement a strong anti-bullying culture.

Respect and tolerance of different faiths and religious and other beliefs

  • Promote respect for individual differences.
  • Help pupils to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life
  • Challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour.
  • Organise visits to places of worship.
  • Develop links with faith communities.
  • Develop critical personal thinking skills.
  • Discuss differences between people, such as differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality and differences of family situations, such as looked-after children or young carers.

Special Events that have helped children understand the importance of British Values include:

  • A visit to the school by the lady in waiting to, Princess Alexandria to present our Year 6 with her Majesty’s birthday celebration publication. A School celebration in classes of the Queen’s birthday. 
  • Celebrating the King's Coronation.
  • Strong links, including reciprocal visits for staff and supported by the Diocese.
  • Regular visits from Educational groups for children to examine cultural diversity.
  • An active School Council and Sports Ambassadors. 
  • Regular opportunities to debate topics of local and national importance-watching pupil News round and children’s Newspapers available.
  • An RSE programme which caters for the needs of children from Y6 through to Y11.

British Values Policy