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St Andrew's CofE Primary School Shifnal

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Rowan Class

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you find our new area of the website helpful and informative. 

Miss Mullinder (Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's) and Mrs Bates (Thursday's and Friday's) are the class teachers. They are supported by Mrs Pinches, the class TA. 

Our Mini Themes for the Spring term 2025

                      Winter                                                                         Dinosaurs                                        

Homes Long Ago


Rowan Class Announcements

Helpful Tips for EYFS 

PE Kits: PE takes place on a Wednesday.  Children come into school dressed in their PE kits and wear them all day.  The kit is a royal blue PE T-shirt, royal blue shorts, royal blue tracksuit trousers (optional) and plimsolls or trainers.

Forest School: Our spring sessions will begin on Thursday 9th January 2025. Please remember to send your child into school with warm clothing, including a coat, wellies, a scarf, hat and pair of gloves. Please do label your child's belongings so that we can make sure they go home in the correct bag. 

Fruit and milk: A healthy piece of fruit is available each day.  Free milk is available until children turn five.  Please enquire at the school office for details once your child turns 5. 

Snacks: Children may bring healthy snacks for morning or afternoon breaks.  We allow chocolate once a week (Tuesdays).  Sweets and lollipops are not permitted, as these are a potential choking hazard. As the children mature, we encourage them to open packaging independently.

Cold weather: As mentioned above, please can children come to school adequately protected against the weather.  We will always endeavour to take children outside onto the playground or under the veranda for fresh air.  Please ensure coats, scarves, gloves etc are named and recognisable by your child.

Water Bottles: Your child will need a water bottle in school every day.  Please can these bottles be filled with water, rather than squash or juice. The water bottle needs to be clearly labelled with your child’s name.

Uniform: Please ensure that all of your child's belongings are clearly labelled to reduce the risk of items being misplaced. 

Spare Clothes: It is helpful if your child has spare clothing in their bag for emergencies, e.g. pants and socks.  It does not need to be school uniform.

Care Plan: If your child requires a care plan for any medical needs, please collect a form from the school office and return to school ASAP.

Reception Resources for Parents